Tour Reviews

From our previous Cuban Tours & Events

Michelle S

San Francisco

"Thank you so much for everything! One of my most memorable and enjoyable experiences ever!!!"

Victor C.

Berkeley, CA

Based on the week I spent with Shoshanna at her "Yoga in Cuba" retreat, I would follow her anywhere in the world she wants to offer such programs in the future! It was an adventure that exceeded my wildest more ways than one. First, there was the Yoga aspect. My memories of practicing yoga in a room in a former convent with the all sounds of Old Havana blaring outside our window will stay with me forever. Yoga-wise, I was the least experienced member of our group, but it didn't matter...thanks to Shoshanna's attention and encouragement, I deepened and strengthened my practice, and came to see yoga as something more than just poses and stretches. We also took some classes from the President of the Cuban Yoga Federation, Eduardo Pimentel, and those were a real treat, thanks to his great humor and amazing individual insights. Next, there was the Cuba aspect. A retreat with [Cuba Wellness Adventures] is definitely a "local" experience, and her family connections with the Cuban people led us to places that were off the tourist path. Incredible music, salsa classes, beach yoga, rumbas, and more, plus exploration of "Habana Vieja", Hemingway's house and other "pilgrimage" sights on the E.H. trail. But I definitely connected with the people and the country more than I would have otherwise. And finally, there were the intangibles. I made great connections with my fellow Yoga adventurers. I experienced the glorious feeling of becoming "unstuck" (and not from a yoga pose, thankfully!). I got to answer the question "do Yoga and cigars mix?" (In my case, absolutely!) And I came home a slightly different (and transformed) person than the one that had left a week earlier. Not everyone's experience, to be certain, but it was certainly mine.  

Leigh I.


Daily life will be a bit different and improved because of my time with you [Cuba Wellness Adventures], with your family and our group in Cuba. There will be more light, love, and depth which will provide better balance.  

Eduardo P, President of the Cuban Yoga Association

Havana, Cuba

Llego a mi clase de yoga llena de admiración hacia Cuba y acepto con respeto mi forma de conducir la clase. Nuestra amistad ha crecido con el tiempo, mas y mas, no solo en el aspecto práctico del yoga sino en nuestras mutuas vidas. Sus primeros viajes a Cuba siempre llenos de esperanza y buena voluntad y se relaciono con nuestra cultura de forma muy hermosa. En la actualidad ha promovido el acercamiento entre estudiantes de yoga de Estados Unidos y Cuba y me ha permitido formular el principio ¨people to people¨ con la contraparte de la Asociación Cubana de Yoga. Shoshana no es solo una yogina por su compasión y corazón cooperativo es además, una mujer solidaria con los Instructores y los estudiantes cubanos, ofreciéndoles ayuda en donaciones de mantas. Ahora y siempre ella está en nuestros corazones y es parte del grupo de Cubanos que desarrollamos el yoga en Cuba.
She came to my class full of admiration for Cuba and accepted my style of teaching with respect. Her first trips to Cuba were always full of hope and kindness and she related to our culture in a very beautiful way. Our friendship has grown with time, more and more, not only in terms of our yoga practice but also in our lives. Actually she has promoted connections with yoga students from the US and Cuba and helped me to start formulating the beginnings of "people to people" with the Cuban Yoga Association. Shoshanna is not only a yogini for her compassion and cooperative heart but also a woman who is in solidarity with Cuban yoga teachers and students, offering donations of yoga mats. She is now and always in our hearts and part of the group of Cubans that develop yoga in Cuba.

Michelle W.

Austin TX

I had a wonderful introduction to Cuba with CWA last month.  Our group was greeted by the traditions of Cuba at every point. We were introduced to the cultures that have melded together to create a wonderful experience of Cuba at a turning point in time. We had yoga history and lesson from the President of the Cuba Yoga association. We were transported in fantastic antique cars on the Malecon to afternoon meals at local restaurants.  Private dance lessons from La Professora made us feel like we had some moves for dancing at the Casa de Musica!  Our pension hosts provided comfortable rooms and well preserved antique décor.  We were introduced to the people of Cuba as they are, curious, fun and resourceful with what they have. We saw first hand how simple human connection can transform perspective and open our hearts.  I loved the adventure of this amazing country! Thank you CWA for creating a fun and safe adventure. I appreciate how you care about our wellness and Cuba’s Wellness, I’m glad to be a part of your vision! I would recommend it!

Elizabeth R

Bozeman, MT

I am so grateful that Shoshanna was my travel guide in Cuba. Not only is she friendly, reliable and professional, she really knows the culture, land and people of Cuba. I really felt like I got to know the real Cuba, not just the tourist spots. I felt extremely safe and in good hands the entire trip. Plus, it was fun! I highly recommend her services. Elizabeth R, Bozeman, MT

Pablo R

Yoga Teacher, Cardenas, Cuba

El Hecho de que Cuba Wellness Adventures trata de connectar con communidades de yoga fuera de La Habana y apoyar el desarrollo local es muy bueno. Esos ayuda a las communidades que queren tener estos intercambios educativos, culturales y espirituales. Veo bien in Shoshanna su apetura mental y su respeta hacia otras culturas y sus practicas.

The fact that Cuba Wellness Adventures tries to connect with yoga communities outside of Havana and supports local growth is very good. This helps the communities who want these educational, cultural and spiritual exchanges. I appreciate Shoshanna's open mind and her respect for other cultures and their practices.

Luis Alberto

Yoga Teacher and retired MD, Havana, Cuba

A Shoshanna, le conocí hace 3 años pero tengo la sensación de que le conocía de mucho más tiempo , que siempre es un honor tenerla por acá no sólo como profe de yoga sino como la persona que está creando ese puente, esa conexión entre los norteamericanos que viajan con ella y con nosotros (La comunidad creciente de cubanos practicantes de yoga) posibilitando ese intercambio cultural, humano y espiritual.

I met Shoshanna about 3 years ago but I have the sensation that I have known her for a lot longer. It is always an honor to have her here with us, not only as a yoga teacher but also as the person who is creating a bridge, the connection between the North Americans who travel with her and us (the growing community of Cubans who practice yoga) making possible the exchange of culture, humanity and spirituality.