Las Aguas Fund
Giving Back to the Cuban Community
Mission Statement:
The Las Aguas mission it to support the growth of sustainable wellness practices, wellness entrepreneurs, and yoga training in Cuba. To support and nourish the preservation of local cultural and wellness practices for current and future generations of Cuba.
Mission Statement:
The Las Aguas mission it to support the growth of sustainable wellness practices, wellness entrepreneurs, and yoga training in Cuba. To support and nourish the preservation of local cultural and wellness practices for current and future generations of Cuba.
Las Aguas Fund Donations
It's already happening! Our first yoga teacher training for Cuban scholarship recipients has started. The first cohort is entirely comprised of powerful Cuban mothers. They will "pay the program forward" by teaching in areas with no access to yoga. The program is funded by your generous donations and proceeds from Cuba Wellness Adventures tours. The Covid-19 crisis has hit our industry hard. We need your help to keep Las Aguas Fund programs running while Cuba Wellness Adventures' operations are temporarily shut down due to the pandemic. Help us continue the training for our scholarship recipients.How to Donate
Thank you for interest in supporting our work in Cuban yoga and wellness communities. Every Penny Counts! Make your tax free donation with this link and then direct your donation to Las Aguas Fund. Your support is greatly appreciated!